

十大网赌正规网址 Pharmacy Programs honor faculty members

韦恩堡,印第安纳州. – 十大网赌正规网址 Pharmacy Programs honored six faculty members for outstanding service, 教学, 领班和奖学金.

  • 学院学者奖: Vaibhav蒙德拉
  • 学院杰出服务奖: 嘉莉Hoefer
  • Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE) 教师 Preceptor:  莎拉Trovinger
  • 洛林米. 谢泼德年度最佳教师: Sandra hormetz, 特伦特汤, 布莱恩·斯金纳

    Vaibhav蒙德拉在过去的一学年, Vaibhav蒙德拉, Ph.D., received a prestigious research grant from the American Association of 大学 of Pharmacy. The New Investigator Award enabled study on a method of delivering anticancer drugs for treating multiple myeloma.

    He has published a paper based on another grant involving research on medical treatment of pancreatic cancer. He has also recently given several presentations on his research, including one for the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists in Washington, D.C.

    He has also shared his research expertise with 曼彻斯特 students enrolled in the Research and Innovative Practice Seminar. 

    药理学助理教授, Mundra supervises undergraduate pharmaceutics laboratories.

    嘉莉Hoefer嘉莉Hoefer, Ph.D. 获得杰出服务奖, in large part because of her service to colleagues at the 韦恩堡校园. 

    She led the Honor Council and has been working with those developing a guide for academic appeals and Honor Council mentoring. She also served on the council responsible for developing three new pharmacogenomics programs from scratch.

    Pharmacogenomics studies the relationship between an individual’s genes and their response to a medication. It allows physicians and other clinicians to prescribe drugs to maximize therapy early on and avoid or decrease the chance of adverse effects.

    Hoefer invites students into the laboratory to assist with her work, 给他们宝贵的经验,充当他们的导师. She also developed a one-week pharmacogenomics laboratory course that is used by students in MU’s online master’s degree program in pharmacogenomics as well as students at the brick-and-mortar campus who are doing the four-year dual degree in pharmacy and pharmacogenomics.

    Her service in the Fort 韦恩 community includes conducting a gene variant analysis involving the Burmese community and research on the age-vulnerable population.

    她在韦恩堡校园组织了DNA日, designed to inform members of the public and health care about personalized medicine. Hoefer is assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacogenomics.

    莎拉Trovinger莎拉Trovinger,制药.D., was selected for the APPE 教师 Preceptor award based on her work with student pharmacists. She is director of experiential education in the Pharmacy Programs and is an assistant professor of pharmacy practice.

    Her work includes coordinating introductory pharmacy practice experiences for students in their first three years in the pharmacy program and advanced pharmacy practice experiences for fourth-year students in rotations that are the final component in the Doctor of Pharmacy curriculum.

    The nomination by student Mariem Faraj cited her “passion, energy, and compassion.”

    A preceptor is a pharmacy practitioner who also mentors and instructs, fostering a relationship that aids the student’s growth so that they are equipped to work in the real world. 

    Three faculty members share Teacher of the Year honors each year. 该奖项是以已故的洛林·谢泼德博士的名字命名的.D., inaugural director of instructional design at the campus.

    Sandra-Hrometz药学一年级学生萨拉·伊斯坎德尔获得提名 桑德拉Hrometz, Ph.D., a professor of pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacogenomics. “She encourages her students not to blindly memorize facts or side effects of medications but to understand why they are side effects or why the fact is true,伊斯坎德尔说.

    Hrometz makes a point of sharing techniques for studying that are scientifically proven to work and for giving praise when an individual makes great strides.

    “She puts in so much effort and is continuously encouraging students to grow and improve,伊斯坎德尔说.

    Trent-Towne药学二年级学生Asma Kinani提名 特伦特汤,制药.D.她是药学实践副教授.

    “Dr. Towne teaches what most students would consider the hardest course. 然而, 他把路线讲清楚了, and the objectives correspond with everything he was 教学 in the course.”

    和所有获奖教师一样, Kanani cited Towne’s willingness to go the “extra mile to be there for his students.”

    Dr. 布莱恩·斯金纳远程教员 布莱恩·斯金纳,制药.D.她第三年被选为“年度教师”. 他的重点是对病人进行个性化护理, 这意味着收集信息, collecting data and ultimately making recommendations that best fit the patient’s situation.

    He is a “master of technology,” said nominator Tracy Brooks,制药.D.她是药学实践副教授. 

    She said he utilizes a broad variety of 教学 techniques, including humor, with his students. Skinner is an assistant professor of pharmacy practice and a preceptor.


十大网赌正规网址, with campuses in North 曼彻斯特 and Fort 韦恩, Ind., offers more than 70 areas of academic study to more than 1,400名本科生,会计学硕士, 药物基因组学理学硕士学位, a Master of Athletic Training a four-year professional Doctor of Pharmacy degree and a four-year dual degree in pharmacy and pharmacogenomics. 了解更多关于印第安纳州北部私立学校的信息 www.曼彻斯特.edu

十大网赌正规网址 respects the infinite worth of every individual and graduates persons of ability and conviction who draw upon their education and faith to lead principled, 富有成效的, and compassionate lives that improve the human condition.
